Thank you for visiting, unfortunately our business is currently on hiatus.
Thank you for visiting, unfortunately our business is currently on hiatus.
Initiative Coffee Company has a passion for three things, coffee, games, and community. We'd like to be a part of your community. Your next private event, or public festival is the next place we want to be.
Initiative Coffee Company has a passion for three things, coffee, games, and community. We'd like to be a part of your community. Your next private event, or public festival is the next place we want to be.
We think we can add something great to your upcoming event. An innovative coffee program could be just the thing you need to make your wedding that much more memorable, your organization's brunch that much more exciting, or your office buildings Tuesday that much more enjoyable.
We provide cold brew service utilizing the Great Lakes Region's most innovative brands, and our signature Improved Initiative roast made by Anodyne. Along with our hand made syrups with customizable flavors, we're ready to offer a product, and experience unlike any other.
We work with businesses, office buildings, individuals, and organizations to make great events even better. Add us to your Small Business Saturday event (like Chimera's Comics did), or bring coffee into your organization's major event (like Chicago Renegade Craft Fair's Winter Festival).
We're excited to be a part of your event, and community. Send us a message and we'll get back to ASAP.
Take a look at some of the programs we are working on.
Take a look at some of the programs we are working on.
We are proud to present the best beans in Anathema. Check out our favorite roast Improved Initiative, and our brand new light roast Fulgurite!
Initiative Coffee Company is thrilled to offer amazing programs throughout our community. We offer weekly tabletop programing as well as events, seasonal meet ups and more.
Check out our exciting web series The Bards' Tale. Five bards and a cook stumble there way through a newly discovered continent.
Initiative Coffee Company, partnering with Chimera's Comics in La Grange for Small Business Saturday
Check out our game nights in La Grange